Hebrews 12:1
"Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip of every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And lit us run with endurance the race God has set before us."
The cloud or crowd of witnesses spoken of are the ones named in the preceding chapter. The witnesses are those, and all who have gone on before us leaving in their wake the life of their faith in the Lord Savior, Jesus. They have shown and proven that endurance in this life of faith has tremendous reward.
The athletic rider will dress for the vent in only that, that will not hinder, pinch, bind or slow down his or her progress in the race. Neither do we want to be slowed or hindered in the race of the life of faith. The most burdensome weight in our Faith Life Race, is the sin that so easily trips us up. A runner hasn't much hope of being a winner if he is carrying, a load of sin that he keeps on tripping over. There are enough obstacles, and yes enemies to this Faith Life Race.
And let us run with endurance. In the KJV, the word is patience. In the Greek, it's hupomone, hoop-cm-on-ay. It's translated: cheerful (or hopeful), endurance, constancy, enduring. To undergo, bear, have fortitude, preserver, abide, suffer. Verse three says; "Think of all the hostility He, (Jesus) endured from sinful people; then you won't become weary and give up."
Jesus endured in His Faith Life Race. So must we. Tempted in very way as you and I are, yet without sin. He didn't load Himself down with extra baggage of sin. As believers we too must endure. Hostility and Temptation. In this Faith Life Race, they are inevitable. Don't allow yourself to be tripped up. Strip off every weight that slows you down.
Jesus endured. He is now seated at the place of honor at the Father's right hand. Because of your endurance in the Faith Life Race, you too are in line for a tremendous reward.
Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith. He would not have set you on this course if He wasn't sure you could complete it. He authored your Faith Life Race. He will strengthen you to finish your Faith Life Race.
Why? Because He loves you!
So do I,
Joe Gray